10th Cape Agulhas Classic: Milestone Adventure at Africa's Tip
The 10th Cape Agulhas Classic Races, held in December 2024 at Africa's southernmost point, featured challenging mountain bike and trail run events. This milestone edition showcased stunning scenery and tested participants' mettle, drawing enthusiasts from across the country. Held on December 28-29, the event celebrated personal triumphs, camaraderie, and the human capacity to overcome challenges. The rugged terrain of Cape Agulhas National Park provided a dramatic backdrop for the 16km, 12km, and 7km trail runs, and the 63km, 46km, 33km, and 13km bike routes. The 10th anniversary event further cemented its place as a top-tier outdoor sports competition in South Africa, promising to continue inspiring and uniting adventure sports enthusiasts in the future.

Chas Everitt Cape Agulhas Rolbal Dag - November 2024
Dit was 'n merkwaardige dag by die Agulhas Rolbalklub, waar spelers van Bredasdorp, Agulhas en Franskraal byeengekom het vir 'n opwindende two-ball trips-toernooi. Die lente-atmosfeer was perfek vir die eerste spel op die nuut-opgeknapte baan, wat deur die spelers as uitstekend beskryf is. Van ontbyt tot aandete is die spelers bederf, met 'n heerlike broodtafel en geskenkbewyse vir die kroeg. Die Bredasdorp-span, bestaande uit Koos Roux, Annamarie Connoley en Riaan Nagel, het die oorwinning behaal, gevolg deur sterk vertonings van spanne uit Agulhas en Franskraal. Chas Everitt het hul dankbaarheid uitgespreek teenoor Johnna, Jantjies en al die helpers vir hul onvermoeide werk, en beklemtoon hul trots om betrokke te wees by so 'n waardevolle gemeenskapsinstelling.

43ste Jaarlikse Boere teen Dorp Gholfgeleentheid - Augustus 2024
Wat 'n pragtige lente dag vir die 43ste Jaarlikse Boere teen Dorp Gholfgeleentheid by Bredasdorp! As een van die hoofborge, was ons verheug om die gemeenskap in sulke feestelike gees bymekaar te sien kom. Deelnemers het vrolik en vroeg aangekom, en 'n stewige langtafelontbyt geniet, voordat die kanon hul na die baan gestuur het. Hierdie jaar het die Boere met 'n 3-punt voorsprong gewen, wat hul 14de oorwinning in hierdie vriendelike mededinging merk. Dorp hou steeds die rekord met 28 oorwinnings, en ons almal onthou die gelykop uitslag in 1971! Die prysuitdelingseremonie was 'n vinnige affêre, wat net betyds afgehandel was vir die rugby afskop om 5, wat by die klub uitgesaai was. Gesinne het saamgekom, wat die klub met lag en kameraadskap gevul het.

Zoetendal Academy Interschool Triathlon
Zoetendal Academy Champions School spirit at the Interschool Triathlon! We are thrilled to have sponsored this year's Interschool Triathlon, a day filled with energy, enthusiasm, and friendly competition. Teams from various schools came together, demonstrating the power of teamwork. The dedication and discipline of these young athletes reminded us that excellence is a habit. Chas Everitt Cape Agulhas supports young excellence and believes in investing in the community. Congratulations to all the participants for their hard work and tenacity. Let's continue pushing the boundaries of what we can achieve. Keep swimming, cycling, and running towards your goals!

Eighteenth Two Oceans Marlin Tournament in Struisbaai
The Eighteenth Two Oceans Marlin Tournament in Struisbaai was a vibrant event marked by camaraderie, competitive spirit, and a commitment to marine conservation. The tournament attracted fishermen from all over the country and remains focused on catch and release to conserve the marine environment. Struisbaai's rich marine biodiversity makes it an ideal location for the tournament, offering anglers the opportunity to encounter a variety of game fish. This adds an exciting dimension to the competition, rewarding versatility and skill in the participants.

Jukskei Tournament Crowns Champions in Thrilling Weekend Competition
Our Jukskei Tournament on January 20, 2024, was a resounding success, bringing together enthusiastic participants for a day of friendly competition. In the B-League, Struisbaai Jukskei claimed the top spot, followed by Groene Gansies and Agulhas Jukskei. The C-League saw Agulhas Jukskei emerge victorious, with Groenberg Jukskei and Struisbaai Jukskei securing second and third places respectively. We extend our heartfelt congratulations to all participants and look forward to future tournaments.
Join the 10th Cape Agulhas Classic: Premier Mountain Bike Race & Trail Run!
The Cape Agulhas Classic Mountain Bike Race & Trail Run, set for December 28-29, 2024, is a premier event showcasing our breathtaking region, just two hours from Cape Town. This holiday fun race features:
Saturday: Trail runs (16km, 12km, 7km)
Sunday: Mountain bike races (63km, 46km, 33km, 13km)
Chas Everitt Cape Agulhas, the main sponsor, invites you to discover the region's active lifestyle and stunning landscapes. Whether racing or spectating, immerse yourself in the community spirit where the Atlantic and Indian Oceans meet.
ChasEvents ~ Discover What's On
Boere vs Dorp Golf Day Saturday, 9 September 2023
Maak gereed vir die opwindendste geleentheid van die jaar - die Boere vs Dorp Gholfdag geborg deur Chas Everitt Kaap Agulhas! Merk jou kalenders vir Saterdag, 9 September 2023, want Bredasdorp word die slagveld vir hierdie epiese gholfkompetisie. Vriende sal in mededingers verander terwyl hulle fel meeding om die gesogte beker. Vanjaar vier ons die 42ste herdenking van hierdie geliefde geleentheid in Bredasdorp, en dit beloof om groter en beter as ooit tevore te wees. Moenie die kans mis om 'n paar wonderlike gholfvaardighede te aanskou en die opwindende atmosfeer van Boere vs Dorp Gholfdag te ervaar nie!