If your home has already been listed for sale, now is not the time to take it off the market - and if you are thinking of selling for any reason, NOW is the time to get it listed. That is the advice of Berry Everitt, CEO of the Chas Everitt International property group. Home buying the last couple of weeks during lockdown has not stopped and in fact, is likely to pick up in the wake of the latest interest rate cuts. The fourth interest rate cut was announced by the South African Reserve Bank (SARB) on 21 May 2020, and this could shave over R1 500 off the payment per month, on a one million Rand bond.
Our Team at Chas Everitt Cape Agulhas has taken all the precautionary health and safety measures to operate within the government’s guidelines and to ensure that your health and safety is at minimum risk for exposure to contamination. We are operating at full capacity and with extreme caution. You are in good hands.
Related article: How much you can save on your home loan after lending rate cut to a 50-year low
Here are 10 Tips to get your house ready to sell:
1. Give your home a heavy-duty clean, and pay special attention to any odours, stained furniture and carpets.
2. Fix any holes in the wall and repair any damage.
3. Repaint any brightly painted walls with neutral colours.
4. Remove personal items like family photos and mementoes.
5. Allow as much light into your home as possible and add some strategic colour like fresh fruit or flowers.
6. Declutter and remove any unnecessary furniture and décor, giving each room as much space as possible.
7. Ensure every room has a purpose so that potential buyers can imagine living there.
8. Spruce up the house by replacing fixtures, faucets and door handles.
9. Create outdoor appeal with a freshly cut lawn, and bright flowers in the flower bed.
10. A fresh coat of paint on your fascia outside in a neutral colour will make your home look new again!
Why do you need an Exclusive Marketing Agreement (Sole Mandate) when selling your house?
Selling your home can be confusing. You need a well-trained agent that cares, that is dedicated to you and understands your needs. Plus, you know where your keys are! And you know that the Covid-19 Safety protocols are being followed. Watch the video below.