Looking back at the summer holidays here in Struisbaai and Agulhas, one of the events that stood out was the Cape Agulhas Classic Mountain Bike Race and Trail Run. The mountain bike race event was on Saturday 28th December with a 63km, as well as three shorter distances of 46km, 35km and 10km. Race Day was greeted with a fresh breeze and a crowd of excited participants eager to take up the challenge to conquer the Southernmost Bike Race.
This year, pro cyclist CP van Wyk challenged other mountain bikers to test their stamina and skills in this epic mountain bike race. CP van Wyk provided some stiff competition for the 63Km race, coming in second behind Sebastian Stark.
The race was held in honour of the legend Naas Vermaak who has been involved from the onset of the Cape Agulhas Classic Mountain Bike Race. Naas sadly passed away very suddenly just weeks before the race. Naas has been a very good friend and great support and major role player in organising the Cape Agulhas Classic Mountain Bike Race and Trial Run. Naas has given so much of himself every year to make this MTB the best in the Southern Hemisphere! And the 2019 MTB was our opportunity to pay homage to the Legacy of the True Sportsman Naas Vermaak in celebration of his life.
Many thanks go to the Voet van Afrika Organisers who graciously stepped in to fill the void left by the passing of Naas Vermaak.
The race results and more photos are available on the MTB website www.capeagulhasmtb.co.za