Amy Neethling
Die grootste liefde in my lewe is beslis my gesin en ons diere. Dit is vir my die heel lekkerste om tussen my kinders te wees, om hulle sport te kyk en sommer net hulle grootword te ervaar. Ek sal graag wil hê mense moet aan my dink as ‘n passievolle mens – en iemand wat daad by die woord voeg.
Happiness is.. when you realise your kids turned out to be genuinely good people.
Property has always been something I'm keenly interested in. My favourite TV shows to watch are Lifestyle, Home Décor and Gardening.
Amy's motto for life comes from a Mother Teresa quote:
"Spread love everywhere you go. Let no one ever come to you without leaving happier."
Die kosbaarste lesse wat ek al geleer het, was om empatie te hê, om jouself in 'n ander se skoene te plaas, en die grootste sukses word bereik deur nederigheid en harde werk.
I am so grateful to be part of the Chas Everitt International property group and the Chas Everitt Cape Agulhas Team. Through their knowledge and training, I have gained confidence, and feel equipped, to offer my clients the highest standard of professional service and expert advice for selling or buying their property.
Amy really enjoys working in her community.